trodelvy aka sassy - fail

Quick update - Trodelvy aka Sassy (Saci) has failed.

I had 3 cycles which that should consist of 6 infusions of treatment but we were only able to get 3 infusions of treatment in because my immune system kept dropping too low to withstand treatment. That last round I did get, we lowered the dose to 75% in hopes I can tolerate the treatment better.

After my second infusion I was bed bound for four days - I didn’t eat, barely drank any fluids, vomiting, and slept for days on end. It completely took me out which is saying a lot. Then the third infusion the pain from the shots to build up my immune system was so bad I could barely move.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved.

But I’m also the most frustrated and scared than I ever have been before.

I fought against this treatment from day one. We started it without all of the information from the biopsy. I knew the side effects and schedule would be difficult. I begged to try other treatments first. But ultimately we had to trust in my providers.

So, now, I’m back to day 1 with no hair, new mets, and overall just beat down.

Next up - Lynparza. It’s a pill I’ll take twice a day. We are targeting the somatic BRCA mutation that my cancer DNA carries.

