Hey y’all, it’s Frazier!

I really never expected to be here. But, I guess no one does. At 33, loving my life and career, I really had it all (mostly). Fresh out of a relationship, breast cancer threw everything up in the air and it’s still all crashing down.

I was dancing when the music stopped
And in the disbelief
I can't face reinvention
I haven't met the new me yet
Past the blood and bruise
Past the curses and cries
Beyond the terror in the nightfall
Haunted by the look in my eyes

And there is happiness.

-Taylor Swift, Happiness

What I was so sure was a basic cyst in my breast was actually a rapidly growing 5-6cm tumor. I found the lump in July 2021 but put off seeing the doctor. I learned that I have stage three Triple Negative Breast Cancer and I have no genetic markers for any cancers they can test for. This is just shitty ass luck. It’s also pretty rare to have TNBC and no BRCA gene. Visit the blog for signs, diagnosis day, and full diagnosis story.

In March 2021 my post-mastectomy pathology showed that my cancer had cloned to be HER2+ - which changed my entire course of treatments. However, I was also designated “No Evidence of Disease.” I am still in active treatment for another year, though. Follow the blog for recent updates.

While on maintenance treatment (Xeloda, Herceptin and Perjeta) I was experiencing pain in my right hip flexor in December, 2022. A bone scan in January 2023 showed bone metastasis in my hips, pelvis, spine, shoulders, skull, and jaw bone. I am living with Metastatic, Triple Negative, HER2 Low, Breast Cancer.

I’m here for awareness. Well, also, selfishly here for written therapy as well. And lastly, to log this journey because I hope one day when I’m 70 I’ll look back on this time and it won’t feel so significant. Just a blip in the many full years.