full diagnosis

The weekend following the biopsy was a blur but in typical me fashion - I still tried to live my best life. My friends treated me like things were normal and allowed me to cry in the bar (which isn’t out of the ordinary, let’s be honest). I lost it multiple times throughout that weekend but processed the crazy mess of emotions.

Also, the biopsy site was pretty darn gross. I didn’t listen to the doctor’s directions to wear a sports bra until Sunday so it was bleeding - TMI. Anyways, I’m slowly learning that like the experts know what they are talking about and maybe I should start listening to them.

Now, this is where it pays off to have amazing friends who are well connected. Friday afternoon I notified my friends, for many reasons - I’m an open book and they know everything, they knew I was going for a mammo so of course they were checking in, and little did I know that they know kick ass doctors.

My friend Virginia immediately reached out to who is now my surgical oncologist - Dr. Clifford Deal. He called me SUNDAY evening, gave me his personal cell phone number, and squeezed me in for an appointment on Monday. In comparison, the surgeon I saw on Friday for the biopsy gave me a list of tests and said the hospital would call to schedule them and I’d see her again in about 14 days.

I met with Dr. Deal and immediately preferred his bedside manner and expertise. He met with my mom and I for over an hour and introduced me to my angel of a patient care navigator. The next day I had my MRI, CT and Bone Scans, Genetics, Reconstruction Surgeon, and Oncologist appointments already scheduled or in the process of being scheduled. Again, in comparison, the surgeon I initially saw for the biopsy - it was eight days before the hospital called to schedule just one test. At that point, I had already had three out of six of the appointments done. And not to be dramatic but this tumor is dramatic and she’s growing rapidly. I seriously can’t thank Virginia enough for immediately jumping into action when I had no damn clue what to do or how to find a good team.

From there, Dr. Deal selected my oncologist and she is amazing as well! So perfect for me! He’s also texted often checking in and called me the afternoon of my final scans to immediately share the results.

So here’s what we know:

  • It’s Triple Negative - meaning my tumor doesn’t feed off of hormones. It also means it’s aggressive and has a high recurrence rate. UGH. But - the positive is that it responds well to chemo!

  • It’s in my lymph nodes near my breast and collar bone. But it’s NOT in distant parts of my body - this is a win!

  • We’re at Stage 3. Meaning treatment is curative. Meaning I plan to be cancer FREE in at least a year. Likely more like six months.

  • The tumor’s proliferation rate is about 80% - so my cells are turning RAPIDLY. This likely started growing at least two years ago and then rapidly into this giant hoe of a tumor this year.

  • Genetics - I have ZERO genetic markers for any of the cancers they can test for. Which means this is just shitty luck.

Check your boobies and make friends who know amazing doctors because they really can make all the difference!


triple negative


diagnosis day