Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton


A week or so ago I crashed. I was tethered to bed doubled over in pain. A sip of water made my stomach feel as though it were knives I swallowed. The mere thought of food was so appalling because of the pain I just didn’t eat for four days. Which of course led to dehydration which led to intense nausea. All spelling out disaster for a cancer patient.

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Sassy - Cycle 1 & Biopsy Update
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

Sassy - Cycle 1 & Biopsy Update

Whew, a lot can happen in three weeks. Cycle 1 of Sassy, aka Trodelvy, is a wrap. It was by far the hardest cycle of chemotherapy I have endured.

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new chemo - sassy
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

new chemo - sassy

I have tried my damnedest to avoid this. But, here we are. In fact, my oncologist knew I was so anxious off treatment he offered to start last Monday when I was there. But, the idea of starting a treatment without all of the information, didn’t sit well with us.

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we need a patient centered approach to healthcare
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

we need a patient centered approach to healthcare

One of the most frustrating things, in my opinion, are inefficiencies. Especially when it would benefit everyone involved to fix the problem.
Most healthcare in America is tied to our employment. And yet, when diagnosed with a major illness, working is difficult and mainly because of how inefficient our healthcare system is.

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enhertu - failed
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

enhertu - failed

“Involved by carcinoma” are the words that proved that Enhertu has failed me and shattered our hearts. We are moving through the stages of grief and right now I’m sitting in a lot of anger.

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lung update + lymph node biopsy
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

lung update + lymph node biopsy

Last week I had a scan to check on my lungs to determine if I could proceed with my Enhertu infusions.
The good news is - there is some healing in my lungs. Which makes my oncologist believe this was Interstitial Lung Disease.

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Published: Virginia Mercury
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

Published: Virginia Mercury

I wrote and published this commentary with the Virginia Mercury, a statewide independent nonprofit news organization. I encourage you to share far and wide!

If you’d like a shirt featured in the photo of the article, click here to purchase yours!

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just breathe
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

just breathe

But what if I can’t? Don’t worry, y’all. I’m breathing just fine. But when your mantra through anxiety attacks is to just breathe - it’s pretty terrifying to think that the treatment that is saving your life is also destroying this very integral part to actually living.

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I don’t know what I’m doing.
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

I don’t know what I’m doing.

I’m sure your first reaction is - does anyone know what they are doing? But I’m finding that it’s incredibly hard being 35 with a potentially very limited time, especially while treatment is working. I am SO VERY thankful that treatment is working. I’m even more thankful to feel like my life is my own.

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hustling for the good life
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

hustling for the good life

Sometimes I hear “you’re so lucky.” And when I do - I cringe inside. I know I curate this life on Instagram and social media that yes, does at first glance, appear lucky. Now, I’m not saying my life isn’t good because oh it is. And I too sometimes attribute this beautiful life to luck.

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welcome to the worst club - with the best people
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

welcome to the worst club - with the best people

Hi. I’m sorry you’re here. In fact, I wish we never met. But we have. And here you are. This really is the absolute worst club but you will be surrounded by the best people. Below are some things to know about what is about to come.

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working with metastatic breast cancer
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

working with metastatic breast cancer

When you’re diagnosed with cancer so much goes through your mind and we live in a society where work is a big part of our lives. It has to be to make ends meet. And health insurance is a big necessity obviously. So, of course, the third question I had for my new oncologist after finding out I have metastatic breast cancer was “will I have to quit my job?”

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Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

oh, your friend has cancer

You’re probably thinking - oh shit, I’m not equipped to deal with this. Believe me, my friends thought that too. And they’ve all stepped up to the plate beautifully. Or maybe it’s your sibling, cousin, sister-in-law. No matter who it is, your world is crumbling right beside them. Here’s a non exhaustive list of how to show up.

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Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

you should probably hire a new treatment team

You’re probably thinking - oh shit, I’m not equipped to deal with this. Believe me, my friends thought that too. And they’ve all stepped up to the plate beautifully. Or maybe it’s your sibling, cousin, sister-in-law. No matter who it is, your world is crumbling right beside them. Here’s a non exhaustive list of how to show up.

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Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

enhertu - 3 cycles

oh hi, I haven’t really updated lately. I’ve gotten through 3 cycles of Enhertu and my first set of progress scans. So, how’s it going?
Meh. I am always going to be honest here. It’s a juggle of holding out hope and positive thinking while carrying the hard facts and truth.

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Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton


Hi friends! More of a treatment update and experience coming soon. For now, let me explain what you’ll be seeing from me moving forward. You’re going to see a lot of trips shared on social media.

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the admin of cancer
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

the admin of cancer

When you think of life with cancer I am sure your mind goes to the physical side effects. A life with bouts of nausea, a lot of meds, and pain. And there’s all of that. But, there’s one pesky aspect that I had never thought about until I was drowning in it; the admin of it all.

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