we need a patient centered approach to healthcare

One of the most frustrating things, in my opinion, are inefficiencies. Especially when it would benefit everyone involved to fix the problem.

Most healthcare in America is tied to our employment. And yet, when diagnosed with a major illness, working is difficult and mainly because of how inefficient our healthcare system is.

One example is simple - the internet connection at the cancer center is painfully slow. To the point where sometimes we use our mobile hot spots to get work done. Fixing this would allow more patients to work during treatment if they choose.

My dream treatment day would be arriving and checking in and then being assigned one little area. Maybe even a little desk. Think co-working space. My partner could get set up and begin working while I get cozy in the recliner. Then, my provider comes down to discuss test results and answer my questions, and then we get rolling with treatment. This would allow us to both get settled and focus on calming activities - for me, that’s work sometimes.

Instead, we are shuffled around. Here’s the process:

  • Check-in,

  • Sit and wait for nurse to access my port, get called back

  • Get port accessed and labs drawn,

  • Go upstairs for oncologist appointment, check in,

  • Sit and wait to be called back

  • Go to exam room, sit and wait for oncologist to walk in,

  • Talk with oncologist,

  • Go back downstairs and let them know I’m back,

  • Sit and wait to be called back to the infusion chair,

  • Get called back and get settled.

The issue is, as soon as you check your email and get focused on anything it is time to drag everything to the next place to sit and wait. It’s also inefficient for the infusion nurses as they don’t know how long you’ll wait and be at your provider’s appointment. Sometimes, it’s upwards of 45-minutes to over an hour of the waiting - that’s just for one step.

My typical infusion day is about 4-7 hours. With at least 2 of those hours being just waiting. I should be out LIVING not WAITING.

A patient centered approach would allow more patients to continue to work, or do the things they love, while receiving treatment.

How do we make this happen?


new chemo - sassy


enhertu - failed