
Hi friends! More of a treatment update and experience coming soon. For now, let me explain what you’ll be seeing from me moving forward. You’re going to see a lot of trips shared on social media. I share for my own memories - I really enjoy reflecting on all of the joy I’ve been lucky enough to experience. But, I will apologetically living my best life, while I can!

That said, you’ll also see me sharing my GoFundMe. Your donations for my treatment in no way go towards traveling or experiences - unless you’ve directly shared with me you’re okay with that. I am using the donations towards co-payments, travel to/from appointments, second opinion out of pocket expenses, natural remedies, and other health related things. We use a lot of points and miles for traveling (want to donate miles?). And we’re combining some work trips with fun!

Life is bitterly short - and for me, it could be even shorter. I’m hoping to knock out some bucket list life experiences. We’re begging to see my 40th birthday. Admitting this reality is in no way giving up hope. I have high expectations that I will look back on this time and laugh at the thought I needed to squeeze all of my life goals and dreams in to some very short years.

You see, you get to live on the wing and a prayer that you’ll be 75 and retired. I’m juggling working full-time, treatment and appointments, side effects, planning for the end, and experiencing everything that life has to offer - all in a small window of time.

So, please provide me grace. And if you’re questioning before donating - always feel free to ask!


enhertu - 3 cycles


the admin of cancer