update - Enhertu round 7

It’s typically good to follow the old saying “no news is good news” when it comes to following this blog! I’ve been off out and about living! I think I just had round 7 of Enhertu. To be honest, I find keeping count a little daunting. For one, it’s never ending so I’m not counting down to the end of treatments. Secondly, I just can’t help but wonder at what round will the good news end? But, let’s push that doom and gloom out of the way.

I AM PAIN FREE! Like for real. No cancer pain. I’m sore from getting back to barre and my new biking hobby. But it’s a very good very much a muscle sore. I wouldn’t wish the bone pain on anyone. It’s rough! But, it’s gone! Thanks to everyone’s prayers, good vibes, and love - and a whole lot of science and treatment - LET’S KEEP IT GOING!

Big prayers needed that Enhertu CONTINUES TO WORK. I have a lot of life and a lot of plans ahead that I need to be pain free for.

Some nerdy cancer science things here;

Right now the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is presenting to the best minds in the world about cancer trials and outcomes. I’ve followed along on Instagram like a fangirl of science - it’s getting kind of weird. But last year, the DESTINY trial of Enhertu received a standing ovation. Oncologists heard the outcomes of the trial and found it so impressive and compared to the life saving trials of some drugs we’ve used to extend life for over 20+ years. Ground breaking science that hadn’t happened before. And here I am a direct product of that success and incredibly thankful that Enhertu was sent to market as quickly as it was.

This year I’m following the HER2+ Breast Cancer Vaccine trials closely. Early phase trials show a 50% life extension. Over 80% of participants, all of which had metastatic HER2+ breast cancer, were still ALIVE at 10 years after receiving the three-dose vaccine. THAT IS HUGE! Now, how do we make this work for HER2 low or TNBC?

I still can’t participate in trials for a few reasons. One being I have bone only mets which aren’t considered “measurable” in most all trial standards. I’m working with advocacy groups to try to change this and have written the boards many times to appeal to them in case I need a trial later on down the road. But, with Enhertu working, we don’t want to stop that to jump over to a trial. So, keeping them on a backburner but keeping the idea open and at the forefront of my oncologist’s mind.


working with metastatic breast cancer


oh, your friend has cancer