background - please, share

I need the best brains on this and I need them as quickly as possible. I have a tremendous support system and connections - but if you know someone who has a success story or a doctor you know will be tenacious - share this background please.


Diagnosed Fri., 8/27/21 after diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, and then immediate biopsy. Pathology reported Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Started care with Dr. Clifford Deal on 8/30/21. Dr. Deal referred me to Elke Friedman for neoadjuvant chemo and immunotherapy. Port placement on 9/10/21. Chemo started on 9/24/21. (continued below following neoadjuvant treatment outline).

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy & Targeted Treatment Received:

  • Once a week for 12 weeks, running from 9/2021 through 12/2021, for 12 total infusions

    • Carboplatin

    • Taxol

  • Keytruda every 3 weeks from 9/2021 through 2/2022

  • Once every 3 weeks, running from 12/2021 through 2/2022, for 4 total infusions

    • Doxorubicin hydrochloride (Adriamycin) and cyclophosphamide

  • Eliguard injections started in 9/2021 and continued through 12/2022 (with brief break from 2/2022-5/2022)

Had partial response to chemotherapy as noted on Chest MRI on 3/1/2022. Altered surgical plan to right mastectomy. Received mastectomy on 3/21/22. Pathology report from mastectomy showed HER2+, and PR/ER 10% +. Altered adjuvant treatment plan to include radiation as well as Herceptin/Perjeta infusions. Started Xeloda after radiation treatment for 6 months, 9 cycles, as outlined below.

Adjuvant chemotherapy & Targeted Treatment Received:

  • 2 week on, 1 week off cycle oral chemo, Xeloda, from 6/2022 through 12/2022. Starting dose for 3 cycles; 3,000mg/day. Reduced dose for 6 cycles; 2,000mg/day. COMPLETED

  • Once every 3 weeks, Kanjinti infusions, started in 5/2022. Ongoing

  • Once every 3 weeks, Perjeta infusions, started 5/2022. Ongoing

  • Tamoxifen, 1 tablet per day, 20mg – stopped, was on for 2 weeks.

  • Metoprolol Succinate, 1 tablet per day, 50mg for cardiotoxicity from Herceptin Ongoing

  • Radiation for 5 weeks for 25 total treatments. COMPLETED.


Updated situation:

Started experiencing minor hip flexor pain in early 11/2022. Received bone scan and hip MRI on 1/13/23, showing multiple mets (can share hip mri and bone scan).

Upcoming treatments/tests:

  • Radiation Oncology – start 5 rounds of hip radiation on Monday 1/23/23

  • PET Scan scheduled for 1/31/23

  • Bone Biopsy scheduled for 1/26/23

  • Guardant360 CDx blood test – sent on 1/18/2023

  • Begin Zometa infusions on 1/27/23


Initially triple negative, then pathology showed HER2+ and PR/ER10%+

Will have re-staging scans – scheduling with oncology. Unsure of organ involvement. However, PET scan on 4/18/2022 was clear.

Only lapse in treatment from 2/2022-5/2022 for surgery and healing.


bone biopsy


metastatic breast cancer