metastatic breast cancer

The update no one wants to hear. My cancer is back. We are shattered and broken but rebelliously hopeful.

It’s in my bones. I’ll have a PET scan later this month to learn if it’s in other organs.

I have a bone biopsy scheduled to learn what kind of breast cancer cells set up shop in my bones.

The ask:

1. That it’s not in any organs and,

2. that it’s HER2+.

You don’t have to understand what any of that means - just ask the world, and your God, for those two things for me please.

How did this happen? We’re not sure. I’ve never stopped treatment. It just got ahead of the treatments.

In November I felt some pain in my hip flexor. It came and went. We chalked it up to side effects of meds but when it persisted my oncologist ordered a bone scan and hip mri.

The bone scan showed metastasis (Mets) in my skull and pelvis, hips, and femur. The hip MRI showed metastatic disease.

I happened to already have a follow up appointment scheduled with my radiation oncologist. She reviewed the scans quickly and I had planning for 5 rounds of radiation for my hips - to reduce pain and hopefully prevent fracture.

These are breast cancer cells in my bones. We don’t know if they’re Triple Negative or HER2+, so that’s why I will have a bone biopsy. A bone scan only shows bone Mets so that is why I’ll have the PET scan.

I have a tremendous team and I’m so very loved and supported. I have many people working connections for second opinions and clinical trials.

If you know someone who can help - send them my way.

If you’ve survived - tell me your story.


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the kitchen sink