metastatic triple negative breast cancer - with HER2 Low

We have a diagnosis. After a failed biopsy, many scans, many appointments - we’re finally at a diagnosis of subtype and a treatment plan.

The biopsy showed HER2 Low, and negative for Hormone Receptor status. Technically, this would be considered Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer with HER2 Low.

As early as last year, HER2Low was not recognized or treatable. In June, 2022 a groundbreaking treatment called Enhertu was presented and received a standing ovation - leading to FDA Approval. This is the treatment I will receive.

I will receive this as an infusion, starting this coming Monday and then every 3 weeks. The biggest side effects are nausea and hair loss. The new cancer center, where my new oncologist is located, offers free cold capping as a means to try to keep my hair. I figured I don’t have a lot to lose and to give it a try.

How long or how many treatments?

We don’t know. Hopefully, for a very long time and as many treatments as my body can handle it. There is no longer a countdown to the end of chemo. I will have scans every 6 weeks to see if there is progression of the cancer. If there is no progression then it’s considered stable and I will continue the treatment.

With metastatic cancer there is no end of treatment. Yes, it’s a possibility I could achieve No Evidence of Disease again. That is what we will hope, pray, and fight for. But, at some point, treatments stop working and you have to switch to a new medicine. We’ll cross that bridge if or when we get there.


the admin of cancer

