
When you’re diagnosed with cancer you’re then subjected to tons of scans. Some oncologists prefer a PET scan, others CT or MRI scans. They’re checking on the rest of your organs to see if they are safe or if the cancer has spread.

These scans are nerve wracking and time consuming but incredibly important to know what you’re up against.

Over the last few weeks I have had:

  • bone scan - when we learned of the bone mets

  • hip mri - showed more detail of the hip mets

  • chest and abdomen ct - confirmed my lungs, liver, kidneys, and other organs are clear from cancer

  • brain mri - confirmed my brain is clear from cancer

  • PET - showed the bone mets on my hips, pelvis, spine, jaw, and skull - but no other organ involvement

Overall, other than the bone mets we know about, the rest of my body is clear from cancer!!! A lot of prayers have been answered!!!!!

It’s rare, but that’s not new for me, for breast cancer to spread only to bones. But, I’ll take it! You can manage your bones much easier/better. It’s much more of a dire situation if there are mets to the liver, lungs, or brain. Our goal of treatment will be to prevent spread to these vital organs for as long as possible.


metastatic triple negative breast cancer - with HER2 Low


bone biopsy