chemo 3

This was a good week. I felt good. Great even! I felt stronger and more prepared since the day I was diagnosed. 

I got two barre classes in, some fun activities and socializing with friends, built a dresser (with help bc that would’ve been going back to the store without Leslie, Rachel, and Nicki building it for me), and I had very little to no nausea. Oh and I had a flat tire that got fixed (also, I think life should spare cancer patients the stupid annoyances like a flat tire). My life felt like some semblance of normal. But, my hair has started shedding (ugh!), and my appetite has been a little lackluster. Lots of oatmeal! 

Round three started with a meeting with my oncological Nurse Practitioner. The appointment was kicked off with the news that we’re skipping this treatment - my cell counts are too low. I immediately cried. I knew this could be a possibility. At the beginning of this I thought for sure I’d welcome a pause throughout. But no, I was disappointed. This early in the game and my body has been feeling so great - I can’t skip or delay a treatment. It just didn’t feel right. 

After some talk and confirmation with my oncologist we decided to go ahead with treatment 3 but at a 25% reduction in the amount of the Carbo and Taxol. I am thankful that we got that treatment in.

But, with low blood counts comes an even more heightened concern for infection. And we’re still in a damn pandemic, y’all! Even a cold could knock me out. So, back on lockdown for at least the week. 

We started the monthly injection to shut down my ovaries and try to save my fertility. I was nervous af for this shot. But the nurse was great. She didn’t do it in my tummy per usual because there’s not enough fat for her to squeeze (woo! ha) so it went in my upper butt cheek. It was thick and took her about 30 seconds but it definitely didn’t hurt too bad. I did have Xanax on board, though.

This was my first treatment without my mom and it sucked. I think for both of us. But, gotta follow some rules… I guess. 

Overall, I was pretty damn sad on treatment day. I’ve been holding on for dear life of normal. And now it’s all falling out of my grasp. The FOMO is real. But, I have to do this so I can get back to the life that is sweeter than fiction. 

Oh also, a little wrinkle in the week. Sweet Willow came with kennel cough apparently. She started coughing Wednesday night. And yes, kennel cough is contagious to immunocompromised. RACC wasn’t accommodating but did provide antibiotics. Thankfully, the amazing Rach saved the day. We’ve swapped pups until Willow is healthy and I can have her back. Also, she has already brought me so much joy and light - and the thought of losing her already was terrible!! Thank God for amazing Aunts for my sweet floof. She’s in great hands. 

Goals this week - settle in with this new life and realize I just can’t do all of the things I want to do safely. 

13 more treatments, and only 9 weeklies, to go!!! 


it’s real

