helping hands

I have been blown away by everyone’s sweet notes, checking in, and overall generosity through this wild ride. I shouldn’t really be surprised, though. I’m surrounded by the most kick ass people!

I continuously get asked “how can I help?” So, I thought I’d make it easy for ya!

  1. Get your boobies checked. Hell, get everything checked! Men, too! Nag your friends to go get checked. Seriously, this is number one. I shouldn’t be at a stage 3. I shouldn’t have to go through 16 rounds of chemo, double mastectomy, AND radiation. If we had caught this earlier - this wouldn’t be such a big fight. If you go get checked - tell me about it! It’s hard being vulnerable and sharing my life with y’all but it makes it worth it if someone has learned something or is assured they are healthy.

  2. Enjoy and live your healthy life. Let the small shit go. It’s tough sometimes to hear complaints - the same things I USED to complain about. Nothing really seems to matter all that much, really. So, go out and get to living your best life!

  3. Buy me a gift? I’ve heard a lot of people want to get me something - which I LOVE! But, also, I don’t expect anything. I’ve put together a little registry to make it easy if you’re so inclined to want to send me a gift. I mean, let’s be honest - wedding and baby registries aren’t happening for me so here’s my chance. I’ll be adding to it as symptoms arise. Registry can be found here:

  4. Donate to medical expenses - I don’t think I’m really here just yet but I have had this request. Life is expensive and the co-pays themselves are already adding up. Again, I expect absolutely nothing, y’all! If you feel inclined to donate to medical expenses my venmo is @frazier-fulton. And a HUGE thank you to a special someone (I’ll keep them anonymous but want to acknowledge) who already set me off with a start on paying these co-pays and medical bills.

  5. Meals - I really LOVE to cook but I realize this might get overwhelming as treatments go on. Let me know if you’d like to help stock my freezer or bring by a meal. This is a great excuse to come see me and my new apartment!

Feel free to text or message me for my new address! I love you all so so much and I feel so very loved and supported. Tangible gifts are not necessary at all and I promise I’ll still feel so supported even if nothing is sent! I just don’t want anyone who wants to help be inhibited by not knowing what I might need. Oh and make sure you include a note so I know it’s from you and I can put these new thank you notes to work!


week 1 wrap up


chemo 1