chemo 1

One down!!! Honestly, I didn’t think the day would come and the days leading up to it were the absolute hardest. I’ve already connected with two amazing angels who have been down this shitty path and they prepared me more than I ever thought possible!

Last week I’ll be honest - I spent most mornings in tears. I have really never been so damn scared in my entire life. Friday was looming heavy and I imagined my mom having to drag me kicking and screaming. But, I woke up Friday morning with a determination that I am tougher than this rough day. It helped that my gals put together the best bag of goodies and I was excited to read their sweet cards and notes.

We (meaning my team) kind of cut it close with my pre chemo echo cardiogram scheduled only two hours prior to my first treatment. They have to do an echo (ultrasound) of your heart to make sure it’s strong enough to withstand the chemo and immunotherapy. And I just trust that someone viewed it before they actually started the transfusion? Who knows!

I wasn’t concerned about the echo (red flag!) because ultrasounds don’t concern me. I just met with my endocrinologist and had an ultrasound of my thyroid. I guess I was a tiny bit concerned they might not find a heart at all (LOL) BUT! Of course, I’m complicated. The tech complimented how great the images were. But, then when he went under my left breast to get a different view he could no longer see my heart. They had to put in an IV for contrast to get photos. But, it was a breeze and I’m used to those by now.

After I got through the three attempts to access my port (thanks to Xanax and Lidocaine cream) I got comfy in the plush recliner and dug into my chemo bag from my amazing friends! Notes, activities, snacks, and the plushest blanket you could ask for. I sat there waiting to feel something - but overall I felt nothing.

I spent the evening at my niece’s HS football game watching her cheer, finished out the day with some chocolate cake and ice cream.

Side effect wise - my knees started to hurt a little. I took some Claritin and that helped a lot. Weird but a great tip I learned!

Overall, the weekend was pretty normal. I felt like I was waiting on a bad hangover to kick in but it didn’t. I went back to Pure Barre for the first time since diagnosis - my abs are sore af. I took a few naps, but let’s be honest that’s not that out of the ordinary. I went out with friends (no alcohol, though, boo!) and caught up on chores. So far, so good!

Chemo is cumulative - so this first one is going to be the easiest. This climb is just beginning. But, I’m so very thankful for my sweet friends and family, they make it seem possible.


helping hands

