week 1 wrap up

On the eve of my second treatment - I wanted to provide a week wrap up! I likely won’t continue these weekly but I like tracking this for now!

The week exceeded my expectations overall! I kept waiting for symptoms to worsen but I really felt pretty normal. I was able to spend time with friends, enjoyed a delicious dinner from a friend, and even got two Pure Barre classes in!! We were in the office this week Tuesday through Thursday and that provided a good distraction.

Also, big news - I adopted a dog!!!! Y’all know this was big on my list of things. Richmond Animal Control posted an adorable Pomeranian they found as a stray and thanks to Mary’s quick Facebook tagging I went to meet her Wednesday afternoon. So far, she’s so chill! She got to meet most of her aunts at Mainline Wednesday evening and her new pack of dog bffs. She’s settling in great! Now, she just needs a name!

There have been a lot of moments of happiness this week and moments when I forgot I even have breast cancer. Which, is pretty damn huge! And a huge testament to my amazing friends, family, and team at work! Y’all have done a phenomenal job at treating me just the same - and I am so very thankful for that!!

I’m trying really hard to live in the moment. Which is hard for me in general. I feel like I’m trying to out run a big dark storm knowing that I’m just going to get soaked soon. Treatments are cumulative - meaning each one will build upon the next and the side effects will worsen. But, until then, I’m continuing to try to live my best life. I’ve been pretty much sans alcohol and honestly, it’s been pretty nice! My focus has been hydrating and I think I might float away here soon with the amount of water and Drip Drop (Thanks, Lindy!!) I’ve been drinking. My appetite has been pretty normal but these last two days I’ve been craving oatmeal. Which, I guess there are worse things to crave!

I definitely feel stronger and more prepared going into my second treatment - which is very calming. I’m ready to just kill this hoe (the tumor!) and keep this train moving.


chemo 2


helping hands