chemo 2

Two down - 14 to go! After I pressed publish on that week 1 wrap up the other day life laughed at me. Thursday evening everything caught up to me and I suddenly felt the nausea hit. Truthfully, I did way too much last week.

While driving home Thursday evening, I used the vomit bag that’s been in my glove box for years. I always thought someone would use it after a fun night out. Ha, I was wrong. Anyways, new skill - vom and drive. Takes puke and rally to a new level!

Thankfully Leslie was already on her way over for dinner so she cooked and kept me distracted until it was time for bed. Seriously, y’all - if you take nothing from my story please do this one thing, find some amazing friends and appreciate the ones you already have.

Truth bomb.

I’ll be honest. The sudden, out of nowhere nausea and vomiting was tough. I felt like I was out of the woods and not really worried about side effects and then bam, a slap in the face. Shit got real fast. I was so incredibly sad. I felt like I was losing control of my entire life.

I knew I was doing too much throughout the week. I just felt okay and that time was dwindling of feeling okay enough to live my normal life.

Then I scrolled through Instagram before falling asleep and saw this post about Nighbirde. And her words came at the right time - “Don’t you want to see what happens if you don’t give up?”

I’m nowhere near giving up - but knowing what’s ahead still feels incredibly scary and oh so daunting. But, I’m one step closer and I’m surrounded by so many loving humans who will get me through the darkest of times.

My mom arrived Friday morning for treatment round 2 and I ordered Chick-Fila breakfast delivery because well I hadn’t really eaten much since Thursday afternoon. I felt a lot better Friday morning but took a cautionary Zofran. Virginia dropped by with some goodies for my bag - and I love love love reading the notes and sweet gifts! Let me know if you want to provide some goodies for a week! The gals are refilling the bag each week - which is a lot and oh so sweet! It really brightens my treatment.

When we got there they told me I couldn’t have my mom with me since this was now my second treatment. But, I nicely asked if she could at least stay through getting things started and accessing my port since they had trouble last time. Once again, I didn’t take a Xanax before because I thought I didn’t need it. Well, I needed it. This port, while it’s looking so much better now that it’s healed, it gives me the heebie jeebies.

My cell counts took a pretty big nosedive already. Before my first treatment my white blood cells were 15.1 )normal range is 3.4-10.8 so I was an overachiever) and then before round 2 they were only 4.9! Eek.

My sweet nurse accessed my port just fine and it was quick and painless. All went well at first. But, about 5 minutes into the Taxol - the first chemotherapy drug they administer - my chest got tight and I couldn’t breathe. The nurses jumped into action and shut things off, hung fluids, and immediately called a doctor in. The doctor consulted with my doctor and they decided to give me some Benadryl and try again in 30 minutes. Second time was the charm and the rest of the infusion went smoothly.

My angel of a Mumma was calm and kept me calm through it all. I really don’t know how in the world she handles all of this. At the end, the nurse said to just let them know from now on that I need her with me the entire time because of my anxiety. She also suggested I take a Xanax before treatment next week - I agreed!

Side effects.

I’m noticing a few more side effects. My skin is starting to get pretty dry even though I am so incredibly hydrated. I’m having some odd random cravings like oatmeal - but there could be worse. And my appetite isn’t great. Halfway through a meal I literally cannot swallow any more food - no matter how good it is. I’ve stocked up on a variety of foods and snacks to have on hand. Some healthy and some not so healthy. But, I’m focusing on a lot of smaller meals to keep my blood sugar up.

Once again I’m feeling pretty great! The steroids definitely prevent me from sleeping. But, I’m determined to rest today and take it easy. Learning my lessons one by one.

This week’s goal is to SLOW TF DOWN. It’ll be easier because I won’t be in the office at all. But, seriously, invite me to things just know I might say no.

BIG shout out to a sweet breastie Courtney in Charlottesville who swung by with some amazing goodies!! The freezy mitts and slippers for my treatments will be a HUGE help in prevent neuropathy. This is such a shitty club but it’s filled with phenomenal women!! Also, another amazing survivor donated some goodies for my chemo bag this week - big thank you to Meegan.




week 1 wrap up