Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton


Honestly, the second thing that crossed my mind after “oh shit” when I was diagnosed was “but, my hair” and that feels so vain. I’ve always had long hair. I’ve always LOVED my hair. If hair can be a personality trait - mine was. I truly don’t know who I am without my hair - isn’t that kind of ridiculous?

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Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton


My generation is really the first to be 100% in control of their fertility throughout most of their life. And I’ll be honest - having the choice to have children or not has weighed heavily long before this diagnosis.

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Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton


I think it’s safe to say I might be the most anxious person. I am anxious about everything - always mapping in my brain what is the worst thing that could happen and how can I prevent it or prepare for if it does happen?

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24 days
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

24 days

I have known I have breast cancer for 24 days. A lot of my time is spent thinking about breast cancer, treatments, and especially wondering exactly when my cells decided to turn into cancer. I also can’t focus on anything other than cancer. It’s obnoxious.

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full diagnosis
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

full diagnosis

The weekend following the biopsy was a blur but in typical me fashion - I still tried to live my best life. My friends treated me like things were normal and allowed me to cry in the bar (which isn’t out of the ordinary, let’s be honest). I lost it multiple times throughout that weekend but processed the crazy mess of emotions.

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diagnosis day
Frazier Fulton Frazier Fulton

diagnosis day

It’s no surprise to those who know me that writing and talking is extremely cathartic. I’m thankful for the lovely humans in my life who love me in spite of how much I can talk in circles about my bullshit. So, it’s no surprise I’ve started this site to keep you all updated because this is bullshit.

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